Week 18 The Korean War

  1. 2. American general who led the U.N. forces in Korea
  2. 3. _______________zone - area with no military force
  3. 6. war that happens when opposing powers use other countries to fight instead of fighting each other directly
  4. 7. leader of North Korea
  5. 8. continent where Korea is located
  6. 9. Native American soldier who was given many military awards for his service
  7. 10. minor fight or battle
  8. 12. capital city of South Korea
  1. 1. "_________________ is not free." message engraved on the wall at the Korean War Veterans' Memorial
  2. 4. the wall at Korean War Veterans' Memorial is made of this rock
  3. 5. 38th _______________ - the border between North and South Korea
  4. 6. land with water on three sides
  5. 11. president of South Korea