Week 2-Muscular

  1. 3. What protein filament within muscle fibers slides past myosin to cause muscle contraction? Actin
  2. 5. Which type of muscle is found in the walls of internal organs and works involuntarily? Smooth
  3. 6. What do muscles help maintain by stabilizing joints and balance? Posture
  4. 10. What protein filament works with actin to enable muscle contraction? Myosin
  5. 12. What byproduct of muscle activity helps regulate body temperature? Heat
  6. 14. What is the smallest muscle in the human body, located in the ear? Stapedius
  7. 16. What term highlights the interplay between muscles and bones? Musculoskeletal
  8. 17. What neurotransmitter triggers muscle contraction by binding to receptors on the muscle cell membrane? Acetylcholine
  9. 18. What process describes the rhythmic contraction of smooth muscles to move food through the digestive tract? Peristalsis
  10. 19. What bodily function is facilitated by smooth muscles in the digestive tract? Digestion
  1. 1. What process describes heat production by muscle activity? Thermogenesis
  2. 2. What alternative term is used for the muscular system, emphasizing its role in movement? Locomotor
  3. 4. What type of muscle is responsible for voluntary movements and is attached to bones by tendons? Skeletal
  4. 7. What does the muscular system provide that helps maintain posture and body position? Stability
  5. 8. What structures connect muscles to bones, allowing for movement? Tendons
  6. 9. What type of muscle is unique to the heart and responsible for pumping blood? Cardiac
  7. 10. What primary function does the muscular system enable in the body? Movement
  8. 11. What vital function is aided by the rhythmic contractions of cardiac and smooth muscles? Circulation
  9. 13. What is the largest muscle in the human body, located in the hip and thigh area? Gluteus
  10. 15. What energy molecule is necessary for muscle contraction and relaxation? ATP