Week 2 Spelling

  1. 3. A lot of waves
  2. 4. to controll a traveling veacle
  3. 8. complicated
  4. 11. works a lot
  5. 14. keeping low profolio
  6. 15. very big
  7. 16. ok with
  8. 17. in respective
  9. 18. hard to find
  10. 20. weird
  11. 21. in orginized
  1. 1. ??
  2. 2. meaning of mad
  3. 5. Smart
  4. 6. good looking
  5. 7. the opposite of open
  6. 9. knows nobody
  7. 10. bossy
  8. 12. strong
  9. 13. not on time
  10. 19. very big