Week 21 Words

  1. 3. not important
  2. 5. you might say this when you greet people somewhere
  3. 7. America is ______
  4. 8. big schools have better ______________
  5. 10. a place where ships load an unload
  6. 11. you have to be this when you draw
  7. 13. used for emergencies
  8. 15. dancers give this to an audience
  9. 16. space
  10. 17. move one thing to another place
  1. 1. glass is _________
  2. 2. a form of excellent
  3. 3. kind of like a club
  4. 4. without pain
  5. 6. for some job you have to have this
  6. 7. soldiers wear these
  7. 9. we organize fractions into a math ____
  8. 10. up down up down is a __________
  9. 12. a seat belt gives you __________
  10. 14. you aren't present