Week 4 med term

  1. 6. Shapeless
  2. 8. Urinalysis
  3. 12. Closed sac or pouch in or within the skin
  4. 13. Inflammation of the skin.
  5. 14. End product of protein metabolism.
  6. 17. Urinary Tract Infection
  7. 18. Gravity Measures concentration of urine.
  8. 20. Open sore or lesion of skin.
  9. 24. Blood in the urine.
  10. 25. Orange-yellow substance that comes from the breakdown of hemoglobin.
  1. 1. Glucose in the urine.
  2. 2. Tumor with a stem
  3. 3. Accumulation of ketones in the body often a complication of diabetes mellitus.
  4. 4. Structures formed by deposits of protein, can indicate kidney dz.
  5. 5. Waste product formed in muscle that is excreted by the kidneys.
  6. 7. Urine remaining above the sediment after being centrifuged.
  7. 9. Form in urine when the body metabolizes fat improperly.
  8. 10. Transparent / Clear
  9. 11. Wart
  10. 15. Forms in urine when bacteria is present.
  11. 16. Enlarged and/or elevated scar
  12. 19. Rhythm Pattern based on 24 hour cycle.
  13. 21. Cloudy
  14. 22. Difficult or painful urinations.
  15. 23. Insoluble material that settles to the bottom of a liquid.