week 7

  1. 5. ___ is the category of acute limb ischaemia has audible venous Doppler signals and mild to moderate muscle weakness?
  2. 6. ____ test was NOT a diagnostic criteria for PVD used in UKPDS?
  3. 7. NICE recommends ____ as first line imaging for PVD.
  4. 8. ______ typically presents with ulceration and gangrene?
  5. 9. Which of the following is not a diabetes specific risk factor associated with PVD? Smoking, Ethnicity, Gender smoking
  1. 1. Long-term anti-platelet therapy is NOT recommended for people with diabetes and _____
  2. 2. Critical limb ischaemia, Asymptomatic, Claudication and ____ are the 4 clinical presentations of PVD.
  3. 3. NICE recommends contrast enhanced magnetic resonance ____ for those that need further imaging for PVD after ultrasound.
  4. 4. In the POPADAD study, ___% of people with diabetes aged 40+ had PVD?