Week 7 Spelling: Suffixes "_fully" and "_ive"

  1. 2. The ___ student couldn't help but shouting out the answers all the time.
  2. 3. In class a very ___ behavior is when students shout out when they need to raise their hands.
  3. 5. Robin had an __ to learn the capitals of all 50 states.
  4. 6. "What is your favorite ice cream flavor?" is a very ___ question.
  5. 7. They lived a very __ lifestyle, playing sports, hiking and surfing nearly every day.
  6. 12. The teacher ___ accepted help when his students helped pick up the stack of papers he dropped.
  7. 13. The 3 year old ___ told her father that she was worried about monsters living under her bed.
  8. 14. The new parents ___ handed the baby to their friend for the first time.
  9. 15. The students screamed ___ after the teacher proclaimed that there would be no more homework for the year!
  1. 1. The opposite of ___ is destructive.
  2. 4. The house seemed very ___ with all of the balloons and streamers put up for the party.
  3. 8. The customers and workers at the bank were held ___ by the robbers.
  4. 9. Leonora ___ repaired the watch her grandfather gave her.
  5. 10. After his pants accidentally fell down, Bob ____ returned to his seat.
  6. 11. Even though their teacher asked them to not play with the pumpkins on their desks, the student ___ poked at it anyway.