Week 8 Pathology

  1. 2. More common CHF
  2. 5. Sound of semilunar valves closing
  3. 6. Tendons involved in tennis elbow
  4. 11. Lowers blood glucose
  5. 13. Arthritis that has systemic inflammation
  6. 16. Special test for ACL
  7. 17. Degenerative changes in joint in spine
  8. 18. Treatment for CHF waiting for transplant
  9. 19. Stretching or tearing of a tendon or ms
  1. 1. Cells that secrete insulin
  2. 3. Valve between R atria and R ventricle
  3. 4. Failure of this in diabetes insipidus
  4. 7. Stretching or tearing of a ligament
  5. 8. Excess cortisol
  6. 9. Incontinence cause by exertion
  7. 10. Gland that releases T3 and T4
  8. 12. Contraction component of the cardiac cycle
  9. 14. Pathology- atherosclerosis of coronary arteries
  10. 15. Sxs include wt gain, forgetfulness