Weight loss drugs

  1. 3. what you lose
  2. 4. high blood _________
  3. 12. _______ suppressant
  4. 13. always consult your ______
  5. 14. fat absorption _______
  6. 15. ____ affects
  1. 1. type of medical condition you can get from being overweight
  2. 2. over the _________
  3. 4. weight loss ________
  4. 5. type of chemical in your brain controlling your mood and appetite
  5. 6. what you can get if you take to many drugs
  6. 7. food and drug administration
  7. 8. what you are if your BMI is over 30
  8. 9. body mass index
  9. 10. _________ of overdose
  10. 11. "all natural" type of drug