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  1. 2. where you can find the media releases
  2. 6. don't start your day without it
  3. 7. the kids hop on one of these to get to school
  4. 8. we use this to count down the days
  5. 9. its great to start with but then you're back
  6. 12. the person who deals with our financials at the office
  7. 13. he holds the highest position in the division
  8. 15. who do you call if your furnace is no longer working
  9. 17. where are we at
  10. 18. use this to find the sum quickly
  11. 20. your most favorite people at Central Operations
  12. 23. the kids you teach
  13. 25. counting the kids in the morning
  14. 27. throw your wrapper in here
  15. 28. you must follow this
  16. 29. subjects comprising a course of study
  17. 30. if you are new you have to do this
  18. 31. when you get to learn from home
  19. 32. you get one if you finish all of it
  20. 33. the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction
  1. 1. this department ensures all schools are supported and maintains all divisional accounts.
  2. 3. you start here first
  3. 4. there is lots of this in the gym
  4. 5. you have to type this in first
  5. 6. this is one
  6. 10. they help keep our schools clean
  7. 11. you have to have enough to graduate
  8. 13. the person we report to
  9. 14. to have a particular opinion, belief or idea about someone or something
  10. 16. thank goodness for this or we would still be using typewriters
  11. 19. the deputy superintendents last name
  12. 21. board chair
  13. 22. provides maintenance programs and services to the Division's schools, houses, garages, and offices
  14. 24. where you should go to become a teacher
  15. 26. our most southern school
  16. 29. usually happens for a couple days in March