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  1. 2. sometimes it is used to describe people who earn a lot of money
  2. 3. people who work in the space
  3. 7. you look into it to make sure you look good
  4. 8. waiters or waitresses provide it when you dine out
  5. 9. at last
  6. 11. you make one when you are not careful enough
  7. 13. things that will happen
  8. 16. you check with it when you need to know what day it is
  9. 17. amazing
  10. 19. something you'll have many times during a term
  11. 20. the person who check your teeth
  1. 1. people who offen show up on TV
  2. 4. you need one when it is rainy
  3. 5. you need it when you are in trouble
  4. 6. the things that are not the same
  5. 10. you handle it with your brain
  6. 12. you get one when somebody wants to ask you to go somewhere
  7. 14. we need to protect it and everybody needs to
  8. 15. the opposite of careful
  9. 18. it means you think something is Ok for you