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  1. 3. Another name used for the library
  2. 8. This R is used when you are nice to someone.
  3. 9. How many R's are at MMS?
  4. 10. Your female assistant principal's name
  5. 11. Our class is on the ____ hundred hallway.
  6. 13. You should always come to school ready, ________________, and responsible.
  7. 14. This 4 letter that refers for positive behavior and school expectations
  8. 16. Class where I learn about planets, animals, and elements?
  9. 17. You report to this room first in the morning
  1. 1. Class where I learn about countries around the world
  2. 2. Where would I put my book bag if I don't need it?
  3. 4. The mascot/animal of MMS
  4. 5. This is free everyday. Grab some for energy!
  5. 6. Principal's name at MMS
  6. 7. This includes band, art, chorus, and PE.
  7. 8. This R is for cleaning up after yourself and watching your materials.
  8. 9. How many assistant principals are at MMS?
  9. 12. This R is when you come to class prepared.
  10. 14. These should never be out and used at school.
  11. 15. You should always walk on the _____ side of the hall.
  12. 18. You use a calculator and learn formulas in this class.