Welcome Back to AY 2324!

  1. 1. A bag you can wear
  2. 7. A synonym for study
  3. 10. The hottest time of the year
  4. 11. When you are stress-free and calm
  5. 12. A person that comes to stay with you
  6. 14. When you book a holiday you make a ...
  7. 15. A place you learn
  1. 2. Something we get you to read and answer questions on
  2. 3. A place that is away from the city
  3. 4. A place you are headed to
  4. 5. A place you can relax in luxury
  5. 6. To learn off by heart
  6. 8. You write them at the end of the term
  7. 9. A synonym for vacation
  8. 13. An antonym for succeed