Welcome to 7th Grade!

  1. 2. Our school was named to honor ____.
  2. 5. Ms. ____ teaches the "write" thing.
  3. 7. Ms. ____ thinks Math really "counts".
  4. 9. Stay hydrated! ____ bottles are encouraged.
  5. 10. Mr. ____ is a leader with "principles".
  6. 12. Use Google ____ to find your work.
  7. 15. Report card grades can be found in ____.
  8. 17. Make sure your Chromebook is always ____.
  1. 1. Ms. ____ will "nurse" you back to health.
  2. 3. Write homework in your ____ every day.
  3. 4. Get extra help in Enrichment and ____.
  4. 6. Mr. ____ thinks Science "matters".
  5. 8. ____ aren't allowed in class. Turn them off.
  6. 11. In 1948, Congressman ____ opened our school.
  7. 13. Show ____ for self, others, & the environment.
  8. 14. Mr. ____ will teach us the "world".
  9. 16. There is ____ tolerance for bullying.