Welcome to 7th Grade!

  1. 5. Use Google ___ to find your daily work.
  2. 6. Every night, make sure your iPad is fully ___ .
  3. 8. Mr. ___ is a leader with strong "principles".
  4. 9. ___ bottles, not other drinks, are encouraged.
  5. 12. Show ___ for yourself, others, and the environment.
  6. 14. Mrs. ___ will "nurse" you back to health.
  7. 15. There is ___ tolerance for bullying.
  8. 16. Mr. ___ thinks Science "matters".
  1. 1. The 7th grade will build a strong ___.
  2. 2. Only ___ tabs should be open on your iPad at school.
  3. 3. Ms. ___ teaches the "write" thing.
  4. 4. Use Aspen to check your ___ regularly.
  5. 7. Use the ___ code to sign out before leaving a class.
  6. 8. Remove hats and ___ before entering the school.
  7. 10. Mrs. ___ really "counts".
  8. 11. Mrs. ___ is a "ducky" Language Arts teacher.
  9. 13. Turn off your ___ and leave it in your backpack.