Welcome to the Jungle
- 2. oh my dear, this animal is so cute
- 5. living on the webs
- 8. pink bird, with a spanish name
- 11. longest poisonous reptile
- 15. who stole my banana
- 16. Runs very fast, you cannot catch
- 18. Big animal with a long and flexible nose, National animal of thailand
- 20. reptile looking to eat some fresh flesh, lives in rivers
- 22. I carry my baby in the pouch in my stomach
- 23. Black and White bird, cant fly, but swims very well
- 1. Give me some honey
- 3. Huge animal with a sharp nose found in Assam
- 4. Black and White, dont be racist
- 6. I am the tallest animal of savanna
- 7. Largest mammal, but dont fool yourself
- 9. King of the Jungle, Born to Rule
- 10. cunning as a ___
- 12. a bird's eye view so sharp, and a flight with ultrasonic speed
- 13. Cute cuddly animal, lives on eucalyptus tree
- 14. Jungle me kon nacha?
- 17. I need a __ hug
- 19. Chinese Black and White cute animal
- 21. I walk in desert and store water in my humps