Wellness and Safety Go Hand in Hand!!
- 1. mental and emotional steadiness
- 4. hazard a source of danger
- 9. power to resist force
- 10. security things done to make people or places safe
- 12. to go on foot for exercise or pleasure
- 13. protection the state of being kept from harm
- 14. the quality or state of being fit
- 15. violation the act of doing something that is not allowed by a law or rule
- 17. urgency very important and needing immediate attention
- 19. knowledge information, understanding
- 21. regulations an official rule or law that says how something should be done
- 24. recovery the act or process of returning to a normal state
- 25. notify to tell someone officially about something
- 29. to give or be a reason for doing something
- 30. hopeful or optimistic
- 32. strategy a careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal
- 33. to become extended without breaking
- 34. inspect to view closely in critical appraisal
- 35. incident an occurrence of an action or situation
- 2. accident an event that is not planned or intended
- 3. assess to determine the importance, size, or value
- 4. harmful causing or capable of causing damage
- 5. to find amusement or pleasure in something
- 6. danger the possibility that you will be hurt
- 7. manipulation of tissues
- 8. a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition
- 11. education the action or process of teaching someone
- 13. the act or practice of stopping something bad from happening
- 16. long continuance
- 18. a way of becoming rested or calm and free from stress
- 20. physical activity that is done in order to become stronger and healthier
- 22. process of eating the right kind of food
- 23. training a process by which someone is taught skills
- 26. system of exercises for mental and physical health
- 27. inhale and exhale
- 28. measure an amount or degree of something
- 29. physical strength
- 31. the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit
- 36. cause a reason for an action or condition
- 37. habitual nourishment