We’ve all been through a lot—travel can help: Benefits of travelling

  1. 2. Some people _______ by laying on a beach, while others like hiking!
  2. 5. Often people are ______ more when they travel.
  3. 7. Provides a mental reset, which reduces your overall stress and anxiety levels.
  4. 10. Our travels can calm and _____ the mind and body.
  5. 11. an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in travelling.
  6. 13. ________ developed a program called PaRx, prescribing people annual passes to national parks.
  7. 14. (Adjective) far away from other places, buildings, or people; remote
  8. 15. Experiencing new ______, food and arts can broaden your perspectives.
  9. 16. Traveling contributes to a _____ and more fulfilled life.
  1. 1. (Noun) [informal] a vacation.
  2. 3. A small German speaking country in central Europe famous for its beautiful scenery.
  3. 4. Travel provides a mental reset, which reduces your overall _____ and anxiety levels.
  4. 6. Connected with a particular nation; shared by a whole nation.
  5. 8. In 2020, the world went through a global ________.
  6. 9. Enables somebody to deal with something difficult.
  7. 12. a person's mental or physical condition