WHAP - Unit 8 Terms

  1. 3. people believing in transparency in the government
  2. 4. The ___ Revolution was the establishment of a new Cuban government led by Fidel Castro in 1959, which later becomes a communist dictatorship.
  3. 7. The 38th ___ was the border between North and South Korea that was caused by a civil war against dictatorship.
  4. 10. a disease found in tropical areas that killed more than 60,000 people and was spread by mosquitoes
  5. 11. In 1991 the ___ Gulf War helped restored American confidence in its position as the world's sole superpower and helped to exorcise the ghost of Vietnam
  6. 12. A country in Asia that was communist/ socialist, which caused the vietnam war. One of the first wars that America had lost.
  7. 14. a system of institutionalised racial segregation that greatly lowered the quality of life for Blacks and other minorities
  8. 15. ___ World was the USSR and other communist countries around the world, also included the eastern bloc
  9. 20. 27 Taken from India into Pakistan but later became and independent nation.
  10. 21. A South Asian country that had high tensions between the religious groups of muslims and hindus leading to the Partition of India and creating Pakistan.
  11. 22. the ___ Race was the name of the competition between the Soviet Army and the United States which resulted in a nuclear war scare
  12. 24. The soviet union. A socialist nation that aimed to become communist in the future but ended up become a dictatorship a few times.
  13. 25. ___ World was the countries who did not pick a side during the war and were essentially “neutral”
  14. 27. term used to describe how trade and technology have transformed the world
  15. 28. capital and chief urban center of Germany
  16. 29. The United States and its allies occupied the ___ part of Germany
  17. 30. an alliance to guard freedom and security for its members
  1. 1. the process of reforming the economic and political system within the soviet union
  2. 2. From 1980 to 1988 the ___-Iraq War was when Iraq invaded Iran and destroyed Iran cities and made their economy regress a few years.
  3. 4. doubled as an American espionage network, rapidly spread American culture
  4. 5. The country created by the tensions between muslims and Hindus that lead to the Partitions of India and created Pakistan.
  5. 6. the practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping
  6. 8. The Soviets occupied the ___ part of Germany
  7. 9. form of religion that emphasizes strict direct translations from prophets or "holy people"
  8. 13. place where a cultural nationality, identity, or story has formed
  9. 16. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
  10. 17. former Prime Minister of Indonesia that led the struggle for independence against the dutch
  11. 18. he policy of eradicating the memory or influence of Joseph Stalin and Stalinism (no dash or space)
  12. 19. ___ Tigers was a commonly used term to describe the booming economies in Asia
  13. 23. The ___ Wall was built by German Democratic Republic to keep people in and the influence of West Berlin away
  14. 26. ___ World was The United States and its Allies