What are mangroves? How are they useful to us? Complete the crossword below to find out more.

  1. 1. Mangrove forests provide young fish, crabs and prawns with abundant f_______ for them to feed and grow.
  2. 4. Mangrove roots are an important h____________ for birds, mammals and fish by providing a safe breeding and growing place before they head out to the large sea.
  3. 6. Mangroves p_____________ us from natural disasters like tsunamis.
  4. 9. M_____________ trees are plants that can live in salt water and in fresh water.
  5. 10. Mangroves prevent s_______ erosion of our shores.
  6. 12. Young s____________ grow from adult trees itself. In this way, when they drop into mud or soil, they can start growth immediately.
  1. 1. Attap-chee is a f_________ of the plant that grows in the mangroves.
  2. 2. Roots of mangrove trees stick out of the soil and are able to t_____ in oxygen. This is because the soil is too thick and oxygen cannot pass through.
  3. 3. P____________________ by the mangrove plants absorb carbon dioxide and provide us with much oxygen.
  4. 5. The t__________ of mangrove plants can be used to produce charcoal and wood products.
  5. 7. Many types of birds pass through Sungei Buloh Wetlands reserve while they m___________ from cold climates to warmer places.
  6. 8. Mangrove tree l___________ are able to get rid of the salt when the roots absorb the salt water.
  7. 11. Mangrove roots have many filter feeders like barnacles and shellfish which help to clean the water of nutrients and dirt. C______ water can then flow out to sea.