What Has Feminism Done For Women?

  1. 1. In 1975 the Federal Parliament brought in no fault _______.
  2. 3. Which Australian airline had the first femalce pilot?
  3. 5. The first female doctor had to study ________ as she had been refused entry into Melbourne University.
  4. 6. Constance Stone became the first registered female ________ in Australia.
  5. 9. The first of the Married women's Property Acts was passed first in South _________
  6. 10. Australian Women's Land Army was established to attract women to replace male farm labourers otherwise engaged in the war effort.
  7. 12. 19____ saw the first International Women's Day.
  8. 13. For the first time in the English-speaking world, rape in marriage became a ________ offence. (Pretty disgusting that it took that long for it to become a criminal offence).
  9. 15. The _______ Causes Act allowed women to divorce their husbands.
  10. 16. Louisa Lawson was the first to talk about ________ against women.
  11. 18. South Australia and NSW appointed the first female ______ officers.
  1. 2. The 'C' in CWA stands for what?
  2. 4. The _________ pill meant that women no longer had to choose between a career and having a relationship.
  3. 7. The ______ Hotel was where women chained themselves to the bar in protest of not being allowed in a bar unless chaperoned by a man.
  4. 8. The _______ Allowance Act allowed mothers to be paid five pounds on the birth of their child.
  5. 11. _______ Guerin was the first woman to graduate from an Australian University
  6. 14. ________ voilence becomes a criminal offence. (Disgusting that it took so long for this to be a criminal offence).
  7. 17. 19____ saw the minimum wage for women set at 54% of the male rate.