What Words Would You Associate With SG's Future Economy?

  1. 2. Evolution of the economy into the future economy will involve much change and learning, at the individual, business and national levels.
  2. 6. Data and information will be a key driver of change for the future economy.
  3. 7. Being able to manage diversity, differences or variety will be important for SG and workers alike.
  4. 8. Businesses in the future economy will be mobile and will not restrict themselves to time and space as far as possible.
  5. 11. Innovation will be one of the drivers of change for the future economy. SG is willing to invest in innovation efforts to keep her economy going strong.
  6. 13. In the future economy, things will converge and come together as opposed to diverging and breaking apart.
  7. 14. In the future economy, we need to embrace technology, be ready to learn new skills and acquire deeper or mastery skills, where possible.
  8. 15. To empathize and to put yourself in the shoes of others will be a very human skill that employers will need. This is so that they may deliver technology and their business with a human touch and understanding working across cultures.
  9. 16. Transformation will be part of the future economy, where businesses and jobs will change, transform and be discarded, hence, the importance of life-long learning.
  10. 19. Employers will also be looking for employees who are flexible and has the ability to adapt to different situations as opposed to rigidity.
  1. 1. Being open minded enough to consider different perspectives will be useful for employees to thrive in the future economy.
  2. 3. Workers in the future economy will need to be collaborative. This involves cooperating with two or more parties.
  3. 4. Employees in the future economy will need to be versatile. This refers to the ability to adapt or be adapted to different functions of work.
  4. 5. Employers will also be looking for workers who are able to be creative, to think outside the box.
  5. 9. The key skills that employers will be looking for will involve unlearning. This means discarding or adapting old learning and acquiring new learning.
  6. 10. Having the courage and dare to face the challenges of the future economy will be a good first step to thriving in the future economy.
  7. 12. In the future economy, we have to be prepared to go international, working across national borders.
  8. 17. For the future economy, a spirit of lifelong learning is crucial, as there will be much to unlearn, and relearn.
  9. 18. Employers will also be looking for an open mindset in employees, who are adaptable, nimble and open to learning.