What's the weather like?

  1. 1. "Mum! There is a boat on the street, and water in the kitchen"
  2. 4. season of santa claus
  3. 5. It's ... today. No sunscreen needed.
  4. 7. Season between spring and autumn.
  5. 8. Comes after the lightning. Makes a BIG sound. CRACKKKK
  6. 11. It's ... today! Let's fly a kite!
  7. 12. It's ... today! Let's go to Madine!
  8. 13. Season after winter. The world becomes green.
  9. 14. When it's not hot! Very "glagla" (teeth nashing)
  10. 16. When it's not cold. I want an ice cream!
  11. 18. It has an eye and it turns around and cows fly!
  12. 19. So many colours are in it!
  1. 2. really really cloudy
  2. 3. Season after summer
  3. 6. It sounds like "mayold", not hot, not cold.
  4. 7. It's ... today! Let's go skiing!
  5. 9. It's ... today! Let's stay home and watch the rain, Bobby!
  6. 10. The typhoon, not the football player!
  7. 12. It's not the moon.
  8. 15. It flashes during a storm, before the thunder.
  9. 17. It's rain, thunder, lightning! Can be scary.