What's Working Well?
- 3. Implemented new cups with lids that click so theses samples shouldn't leak
- 5. This year, Cooper's annual gift is a ________ between 3 different gifts
- 8. Coagulation testing is performed on our upgraded instruments called...
- 9. This computer system in the laboratory was upgraded to GUI with improved functionality
- 10. A favorite celebration dessert in the lab (think Dale's wet walnut topping!)
- 13. Senior Leader __________ is a way for leaders outside the department to hear what's working well along with our concerns
- 14. During the holiday season the lab adopted one of these and provided holiday gifts
- 15. Newly opened center located in across from the Healing Garden
- 16. The pathologists can capture images much better because they have new __________
- 17. Next Gen _________ was brought in to our Molecular Department
- 18. An evening tech used to be alone in this department, but now there is a team of 2 for the whole shift
- 20. The ED started using this color specimen bags to improve turn-around-time
- 22. Lab participates in handing out fun gifts to our Peds patients for this holiday
- 23. The lab had a GIVE ________ campaign in the fall and donated money to the South Jersey Food Bank
- 24. The new Pathology uniforms are this color
- 28. New parking just opened on this Avenue to improve parking for those assigned to the Waterfront
- 29. The PTO buyback program now occurs this often each year
- 31. A new tech was added to this department that provides training for nurses that perform bedside testing
- 32. In the first ________ of 2019, all 3 outpatient phlebotomy sites met their patient experience goals!
- 33. They previously had the title Supervisor, but now they are called this
- 1. In December, Cooper staff received a monetary gift, which could also be called this
- 2. Replacements for these are due to arrive in June - no more torn seats
- 4. Cooper was recertified by The Joint Commission as a Comprehensive Center for this
- 6. We offer this PCR testing in Microbiology from early morning through late evening to improve bed management
- 7. An additional one of these was added to help transport those who park at the Waterfront garage
- 11. Lab participated in Bring your ____ to work day, educating future laboratorians
- 12. In Cytology they can see cells better with their upgraded _________
- 13. This vendor is currently validating the new Chemistry Cobas 8000 line with the department
- 14. The Histology department implemented this in August allowing them to x-ray specimens
- 19. Cooper is on an HRO journey to focus on always providing safe care. The "R" in HRO stands for…
- 21. Microbiology is validating this new instrument allowing for faster identification of organisms
- 25. This celebration occurred during the last full week in April, and the pathologists were so generous in providing a great lunch
- 26. Cooper received a B grade for a second time from this group that evaluates safety in healthcare
- 27. A lab assistant position was added to this department that provides blood products for patients
- 30. Before the school year started, the lab participated in filling these with school supplies for Camden students