Whitney's Bachelorette!

  1. 1. A small, circular band, typically of precious metal
  2. 2. The groom's middle name
  3. 7. The bride's favorite sport
  4. 9. The couple's new favorite phrase
  5. 11. You may now ___ the bride
  6. 12. Where did the groom propose
  7. 16. Where did the groom grow up?
  8. 17. Where the bride grew up
  9. 18. The wedding date
  1. 1. The location of the wedding
  2. 3. The bride's middle name
  3. 4. The bride's new last name
  4. 5. The bride's favorite dessert
  5. 6. The name of the couple's first pet together
  6. 8. What a bride wears on her wedding night
  7. 10. The bride's birthday month
  8. 13. The couple's official dating anniversary month
  9. 14. The groom's favorite super hero
  10. 15. The bride