Who wants to be a millionaire - Doba edition

  1. 2. Name of undergrad college
  2. 5. Name of weird college roommate
  3. 6. Name of first “pet”
  4. 9. Location of flat in DC
  5. 13. Celebrity crush back in the day
  6. 14. Excuse to get out of dance lessons
  1. 1. First school
  2. 2. Doba’s posting with a janky duty free shack
  3. 3. First job
  4. 4. College Major
  5. 7. Weird college roommate’s catchphrase
  6. 8. Protagonist of Doba’s stories
  7. 10. Creature she put in the fridge to scare off flatmate
  8. 11. Favourite film franchise
  9. 12. First musical instrument