Who's Who at LCELC?

  1. 1. One of Stephanie's hobbies.
  2. 4. One of Ginger's hobbies.
  3. 7. Last TV show Renee binge watched.
  4. 9. Worst job Emily ever had.
  5. 10. Last TV show Kelly binge watched.
  6. 11. Melissa K's favorite board game.
  1. 2. Melissa D would live here if she could!
  2. 3. Ti Li's favorite ice cream.
  3. 5. Mythical creature Katie would like to have.
  4. 6. Top item on Angela R's bucket list.
  5. 7. Alex's favorite board game.
  6. 8. Can make Malena's day better instantly!
  7. 9. Where Jill would like to live.
  8. 11. Is a relationship dealbreaker for Angie L.
  9. 12. Karen's best vacation!