Why We Study Technology?

  1. 3. using knowledge of math, science, and technology to generate things
  2. 5. the ability to move people, goods, and services around the world
  3. 7. greek word meaning art
  4. 8. type of technology that allows for gathering, storing, and sharing information
  5. 10. time period when manufacturing, transportation, communication, and construction all advanced rapidly
  6. 11. the study of things made by nature
  7. 12. age when stronger metals replaced weaker metals and made permanent farming settlements desirable
  8. 14. the field of technology involving medical and agricultural topics
  9. 17. global network of computers known as the information super highway
  10. 19. an acronym used to describe the seven resources of technology
  11. 20. age in which machines were invented that could process, store, and exchange data electronically
  1. 1. field of technology involving the building of structures and bridges
  2. 2. deals with the production of electricity and power to make things run
  3. 4. device used by a person without the use of electricity
  4. 6. the science of working with atoms and molecules of materials to develop very small machines
  5. 9. understanding something and feeling comfortable
  6. 13. area of technology used to mass produce products in a factory
  7. 15. device used in homes, schools, offices, and government to make tasks easier to complete
  8. 16. common mode of transportation
  9. 18. the practical use of knowledge to satisfy human needs and wants