WIC Nutrition First 20

  1. 2. Prenatal adversity can cause this/ primes inflammation
  2. 3. Increases depression & obesity
  3. 5. broad term for threat to child physical/emotional health
  4. 7. Less courtesy, respect, poorer service, treated like you are less smart
  5. 9. Depression, anxiety & PTSD increase risk for this
  6. 12. Essential to survival more than food and shelter
  7. 13. Lowers maternal stress and inflammation
  8. 15. Inability to feel pleasure (lowest w/ bfing)
  9. 18. Hormone that prepares muscles for fight or flight
  10. 20. Percentage who had birth related PTSD
  1. 1. Increases risk of metabolic syndrome/cardiovascular disease
  2. 4. Risk of depression is highest in this period
  3. 6. Increases inflammation
  4. 8. The love hormone
  5. 10. Cluster of conditions that increase heart, diabetes and stroke risks
  6. 11. Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis
  7. 14. Waist to hip ratio
  8. 16. People who breastfeed get more of this vs. formula feeders
  9. 17. Adverse childhood experiences
  10. 19. Inflammatory response system abbreviation