Wild & Wonderful Crossword

  1. 3. Tiny bird found in northern Europe and Asia.
  2. 4. Grizzly bears hunt these large herbivores.
  3. 8. A country where grizzly bears are found.
  4. 9. Type of tree in Lasse Kurkela’s photo.
  5. 11. These predatory birds hunt jays.
  6. 13. The type of web the spider was weaving.
  7. 14. Tent spiders pretend to be this when disturbed.
  8. 17. Juicy morsels in the grizzly’s diet.
  9. 18. Jays use it to glue food to tree crevices.
  1. 1. These groupers release their eggs in the water.
  2. 2. People who snap pictures of what they see.
  3. 5. The colourful vehicle in the spider photo.
  4. 6. Diver Ballesta took his photo in this channel.
  5. 7. Tasty food fishes that can grow very big.
  6. 10. The blue and green planet we call home.
  7. 12. Hungry predators attracted by spawning groupers.
  8. 13. Captive groupers can live for this many years.
  9. 15. Winter hibernation homes for bears.
  10. 16. Large and powerful bear from North America.
  11. 19. Schoolboy who photographed the tent spider.