wildfire crosswords

  1. 2. a conflict, especially an armed conflict, that arises suddenly and is limited in scale or area.
  2. 5. gradual changes in all the interconnected weather elements on our planet.
  3. 9. when people are exposed to this odorless and colorless gas it will displace the oxygen in their bodies and lead to poisoning
  4. 10. uncontrolled fire that happens in a rural or sparsely populated area.
  5. 12. that tree is slowily black down
  6. 15. uncontrolled burning of a woodland area.
  7. 16. the dead trees and grass in a wildfire are gone in a blank
  8. 17. jon and jill went to the blank party on the beach
  9. 19. you put this in an ash treay
  1. 1. the leading cause of wildfires
  2. 3. in chemistry rapid chemical combination of a substance with oxygen, involving the production of heat and light.
  3. 4. an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property.
  4. 6. you should not do this on dry grass because it might cause a wildfire
  5. 7. pyromaniacs do this
  6. 8. the blank coming from the fire was to much for tim
  7. 11. you can also use this as a heat source, especially when building slow-burning fires.
  8. 13. when a wildfires are lite they quickly turn into a blazing blank
  9. 14. blanks typically ignite in soil thick with organic matter that can feed the flames, like plant roots.
  10. 15. the intense blank burned around me
  11. 18. comes off of volcanos