William Van Horne and the CPR

  1. 6. The governemt that passed the $22.5 million dollar bill
  2. 7. A word that wasn't in Van Horne's vocabulary
  3. 9. The amount of time it took Van Horne to complete the railway
  4. 10. He was the general manager of a small railway in the American midwest at what age
  5. 12. Van Horne cut corners to ____ money
  6. 16. The biggest problem when building the railway
  7. 17. Van Horne decided to become this when working on the Michigan Central
  8. 19. The conditions of this were terrible, so were working conditions
  1. 1. The area of the CPR where all the money was spent
  2. 2. The kind of railway trestles that were used over the rough terrain
  3. 3. Where the CPR crossed the rockies
  4. 4. By ____ of 1883 the money for the CPR had dried up
  5. 5. Van Horne injected a high level of this into the railway company
  6. 8. The amount (in miles) of railway being laid per year during the peak years
  7. 9. Where Van Horne was born
  8. 11. The methood used to build the railway "by_____"
  9. 13. The place the money for the railway came from
  10. 14. The age at which Van Horne's formal education ended
  11. 15. There were none of these kind of facilities
  12. 18. Van Horne's nationality