wills government review(no spaces)

  1. 5. who leads over the Georgia senate
  2. 7. this branch makes the laws
  3. 10. there are 56 of these in the GGA
  4. 13. no what in a a applleate courts
  5. 16. the GGA is ____________ meaning it has 2 houses
  6. 18. the person accused of a crime
  7. 20. crimes for punishment of more than one year a called what
  8. 21. the government is called the___________ in a criminal case
  9. 22. what are cases that can be settled out of court called
  10. 25. 2 2/judge trials only(not magistrate)
  11. 26. the main government for the country
  12. 28. each court has?
  13. 29. there are 7 _______ in the U.S constitution
  14. 30. there are 27 ______________ in the us constitution
  1. 1. Looks over judgments made by courts
  2. 2. 3rd person who has no interest in the problem
  3. 3. sloves issues with out a ______(not lawyer)
  4. 4. government for the county and/or city
  5. 6. the ____________ branch enforces laws
  6. 8. civil cases use
  7. 9. criminal cases use__________ law
  8. 11. chief durg inspertecer, state board, board natural resources, board of human resources, and board of public safety are all examples of __________ officials
  9. 12. government that rules individual states
  10. 14. head of the executive branch
  11. 15. This branch interprets the laws
  12. 17. there are 180________________ in the GGA
  13. 19. there are 3 _________ iexecutivevernment
  14. 23. A case where a person claims that a crime has been committed
  15. 24. Georgia's highest and 1 of 2 appellate courts in Georgia
  16. 27. A case where a person claims that another person did something wrong to them