Wings of fire
- 1. Cricket mother
- 3. Very evil Sandwing princess
- 5. Who is the Rainwing who went to Pantala
- 7. Very strong Sandwing prices
- 8. Burn blister and blaze’s father
- 9. Winter’s first scavenger pet
- 12. Sun dew’s mother
- 14. Clay’s mother
- 15. Who was kept on a leash almost her whole life
- 16. X queen of the Nightwings
- 17. Who is Luna’s Half Brother
- 18. Peril’s father
- 19. indigo’s pet
- 2. Who is Blue and Luna’s father
- 4. Moon and Kinkajou’s claw mate in Jade mountain academy
- 6. Who is DartStocker father
- 7. Blue’s mother
- 9. The dragonet that cricket saved from the hive mind
- 10. Who is Blue’s half sister
- 11. Fluff brained sandwing princess
- 13. Who is sitting on his little sister
- 17. Mudwing that went to pantala