wings of fire tribes

  1. 1. green blue or aquamarine colored scales very powerful tails bioluminescent scales on snout/tails/under belly/wings gills on necks has the animus gene
  2. 4. white or pale blue like ice cant breath fire but instead a deadly substance called frot breath
  3. 7. lives in the desert has a poisonous taillbarb like scorpions can breath fire
  4. 8. green dragons most with limited leafspeak a power that allows them to urge a plant to grow or to just listen to what its saying
  5. 9. beautiful butterfly like dragons with an antena on their head able to shoot silk from glands on their wrists after going through metamorphosis at age six
  1. 1. red and/or orange scales fond of violence main weapon is fire huge wingspan
  2. 2. scales constantly change color long prehensile tails originally thought to have no natural weapons later to be proven false since rainwings have venom shooting fangs the venom is deadly
  3. 3. black dragons originally thought to be able to read minds and/or see the future later proven to be false
  4. 5. yellow and/or orange scales normally mixed with black since a common ancestor is clearsight (a nightwing)
  5. 6. brown with amber under scales has a strong sibling bond dragonets born from blood red eggs have fireproof scales (ex. Clay from the dragonet prophecy)