
  1. 1. The holiday of ___________, which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, falls on December 25th.
  2. 4. When it starts raining, you might need _______ to keep your feet dry.
  3. 5. December and January are months in the _______ season.
  4. 6. The Jewish holiday of ________, that celebrates the recovery of Jerusalem falls in late November, early December from November 28 to December 6.
  5. 7. The clawed, hairy beast believed to punish naughty children by stealing their toys or smacking them with a birch rod.
  6. 8. The Japanese celebration of New Year's Eve.
  7. 9. A Hindu festival held from December 21 to December 25 in honor of Ganesha.
  1. 2. Northern areas might get some ______ instead of rain, but we definitely don't!
  2. 3. The Catholic Saint of generosity and kindness.
  3. 7. An annual celebration of African culture, called ______ is held from December 26 to January 1.