
  1. 4. a very heavy storm with high winds
  2. 6. bundle up in one of these if you go outside
  3. 8. a popular game played on frozen lakes
  4. 9. you might need an extra one of these on your bed
  5. 10. water frozen solid
  6. 11. frozen precipitation that falls in soft, white flakes
  7. 12. has slopes where you can go skiing or snowboarding
  8. 14. keeps track of who is naughty and nice
  1. 1. spike that commonly forms on the edges of roofs
  2. 2. red nosed team leader
  3. 3. sweet warm drink popular in cooler tempertures
  4. 5. is gets this earlier and earlier this time of year
  5. 7. known for being roasted over an open fire
  6. 13. useful for keeping your hands warm
  7. 14. has a corncob pipe and two eyes made out of coal