
  1. 1. warm drink sometimes topped with whipped cream
  2. 3. to keep your hands warm
  3. 6. "Oh, the weather outside is frightful. But the fire is so delightful. And since we've no place to go ___ __ ____..."
  4. 9. something hot you eat to stay warm, sometimes it has noodles in it
  5. 12. "A beautiful sight, We're happy tonight, Walkin' in a winter ______."
  6. 13. watch this sports game on the TV
  7. 15. wear it on your head so it doesn't get cold
  1. 2. a type of sled you can slide down the hill on
  2. 4. you do this to the sidewalk to clear away all ice and snow
  3. 5. you sit close to this to stay nice and warm and you can hear the sound of it crackling and popping
  4. 7. ball made of snow that you can throw at people
  5. 8. weather outside during winter
  6. 10. when this happens outside in the winter time schools sometimes close and the roads can be slippery
  7. 11. wear it outside to stay nice and warm
  8. 14. wear them on your feet when its snowing out so you don't get frostbite