
  1. 4. a wooden bat that you play a sport on ice with
  2. 6. a sport where you ride on 2 things on the snow
  3. 8. When you are sick
  4. 9. a chair or a sofa you ride to get to the top of a mountain
  5. 11. You put it on your head to keep warm
  6. 13. You wear them on your face to protect your eyes
  7. 15. You wear them on your hands with five fingers
  8. 17. a sport with a beautiful dance on the ice rink
  1. 1. when you make snow into small balls and you throw them at your friends
  2. 2. you wear them on your hands for one finger
  3. 3. You wear it on your neck when its cold
  4. 4. You wear it to protect your head
  5. 5. shoes that help you slide on the ice
  6. 7. When water comes from your nose
  7. 10. a sport that you play on ice with a wooden bat
  8. 12. When your throat scratches
  9. 14. a sport where you ride on 1 thing on the snow
  10. 16. A long jacket that helps you stay warm