
  1. 4. has three balls of snow stacked on top of each other
  2. 5. the coldest season in a year
  3. 6. a sport that needs two boards on your feet
  4. 7. what you wear around your neck when you are cold
  5. 9. water that is frozen
  6. 10. Last month of the year
  7. 12. a ball of snow you throw at someone
  8. 13. a sport that includes a stick and a puck
  1. 1. what you wear on your feet in the winter
  2. 2. a sport that needs a board and snow
  3. 3. what you wear on your hands in the winter
  4. 4. a white thing that falls out of the sky
  5. 8. you sit by it to stay warm
  6. 11. the opposite of warm
  7. 12. something you sit on when you slide down a hill