
  1. 2. what we wear on our heads to keep it warm
  2. 4. White soft fluffy things that sometimes falls from the sky in the winter
  3. 5. The 4 seasons are: spring, summer, fall, &________
  4. 7. what we wear on our body to keep warm
  5. 8. A type of man we like to build with snow
  6. 10. opposite of hot
  7. 11. The color of fresh snow
  8. 12. An outdoor winter toy for kids to slide down snowy hills
  1. 1. A winter yom tov that lasts 8 days
  2. 3. special shoes we wear when it snows
  3. 4. we use this to clean up the now
  4. 6. what we wear on our hands to keep it warm
  5. 9. frozen water