
  1. 3. - "Each _______ is a unique ice crystal that falls from the sky during cold weather."
  2. 5. - "A _______ is a long piece of cloth worn around the neck for warmth."
  3. 6. - "An _______ is a shelter made of blocks of snow, traditionally used by the Inuit people."
  4. 7. - "A _______ is a severe snowstorm with strong winds and low visibility."
  5. 8. - "A _______ is an outer garment worn to provide warmth during cold weather."
  6. 9. - "_______ are gloves with a single section for the thumb and another for the fingers, keeping hands warm."
  1. 1. - "_______ is the thin layer of ice that forms on surfaces when the temperature drops below freezing."
  2. 2. - "A _______ is a vehicle typically used by children to slide downhill over snow."
  3. 4. - "A _______ is a structure designed to contain a fire for heating a room, especially during cold weather."
  4. 5. - "A _______ is a figure made of snow, often shaped like a person."