
  1. 2. Ensure all your windows in a vehicle are these
  2. 5. Season of the year when coldest
  3. 7. Water in a frozen, solid for
  4. 8. Used to clear snow
  5. 9. Used on roads and pathways when freezing
  6. 10. Worn round the neck to keep you warm
  7. 12. Condition of very low body temperature
  8. 13. Worn on the hands to keep them warm
  9. 15. Thrown by people
  1. 1. Head covering to keep you warm
  2. 2. Hot drink that will warm you up
  3. 3. Device that gives heat
  4. 4. Damage to body or skin by freezing
  5. 6. Slippery substance on the road that may not be visible
  6. 11. What happens to snow when the temperature rises
  7. 14. Children make these when it snows
  8. 15. What you may do on ice