Winter Adjectives

  1. 2. A cup of cocoa at this temperature is nice to have during a long winter walk.
  2. 4. Waking up to a snow-covered winter wonderland on Christmas day can be a ______ feeling.
  3. 7. Surfaces and walkways can be very ______ when covered with ice.
  4. 8. Some people think winter is ______ (irregular comparative form) than all other seasons.
  5. 9. The days in winter seem _______ (comparative adjective) because we have less daylight.
  1. 1. Winter is the _______(superlative adjective form) season in Canada.
  2. 3. To play in the snow, children usually wear a _____-______ (multiword adjective) snowsuit.
  3. 5. After playing in the snow, people usually feel cold, tired ____ hungry.
  4. 6. Some people dislike winter and believe it is the ____ (irregular comparative form) season of all.
  5. 9. When we go sledding, we find a place with _____ hills away from trees.