Winter Break Crossword

  1. 2. policy that is proposed by the government and directly voted on by the people
  2. 8. a relationship in which one exchanges loyalty for a position, wealth, or other resource from someone with great influence
  3. 9. a measure of a country’s income or wealth distribution
  4. 13. principle that everyone is accountable to the law
  5. 18. an electoral system that rewards parties seats in proportion to the number of votes they earn
  6. 21. the people themselves, rather than representatives, vote on issues
  7. 22. groups and organizations not affiliated with the government
  8. 24. structures that connect the people with the government
  9. 25. a measure of a country’s degree of political rights and civil liberties
  10. 27. Career-minded bureaucrats who administer public policy according to a technical rather than a political rationale
  11. 28. people control the government through representatives
  12. 29. a system of government in which power is highly centralized
  13. 30. a group of people who share the same culture but do not have sovereignty
  1. 1. government characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and a hierarchy of authority
  2. 3. A governmental system of divided authority in which coequal branches can restrain each other’s actions
  3. 4. control of interest groups and organizations by the government
  4. 5. a political system where two major political parties dominate the government
  5. 6. belief of citizens that the government will respond to their needs and that they can influence policy
  6. 7. Competition among multiple diverse groups helps preserve democratic values and limits the concentration of power in any single group
  7. 10. type of democracy in which there are regular competitive elections, but the elections are not free nor fair; there are also limited civil rights and liberties
  8. 11. a government that concentrates political power in an authority not responsible to the people
  9. 12. a legislative body with two houses
  10. 14. a legislative body with one house
  11. 15. chief officer of the executive branch
  12. 16. the process by which people develop political views through certain agents
  13. 17. the process of reducing government involvement in the economy
  14. 19. the ability for citizens to see through the government and the extent to how open and honest the government is
  15. 20. a system of government in which power is divided between national and local governments
  16. 22. An economy where production and prices are regulated by the government rather than market forces
  17. 23. a term synonymous to country that applies to self-governing political entities
  18. 26. the official leader of a country, often someone who has few or no real political powers