Winter Break is here!

  1. 3. You swim in this
  2. 4. This person flies an airplane
  3. 7. This woman gives you lucky money
  4. 8. You see this color at night
  5. 10. Boys like this color
  6. 11. Bananas are this color
  7. 12. Apples can be this color
  8. 14. You are this
  9. 17. This toy can fly in the sky
  10. 18. Girls like this color
  11. 19. This has many colors
  1. 1. You can read this
  2. 2. You can open and close this
  3. 3. You can write with this
  4. 5. Oranges can be this color
  5. 6. This person grows fruits and vegetables
  6. 7. Trees are this color
  7. 9. You wear this when it's cold
  8. 10. This has two wheels and you can ride it
  9. 13. This person helps you when you are sick
  10. 15. Girls can wear this
  11. 16. This toy goes Woo-Woo