Winter Break

  1. 2. What force do Santa's reindeer use to make his sleigh move?
  2. 3. My aunt always gives me a Christmas bag filled with a ____________ of candy canes, Hershey's kisses, bubble gum, cookies and gum drops.
  3. 4. What force caused your dad to fall off the roof while he was decorating the house with Christmas lights?
  4. 9. Your Christmas tree will eventually turn brown and all the needles will fall off because the water within the tree evaporates. This is called __________________.
  5. 10. Rudolph leads the way through cold snowy nights with __________ energy from his nose.
  6. 11. What form of energy makes the lights on a Christmas tree shine?
  7. 12. Christmas tree lights are usually made with a ___________ circuit.
  8. 13. When snow turns to water it has reached its __________ point.
  9. 16. After winter, the ice and snow will melt and then _____________.
  10. 17. Riding a sled down a snow covered hill allows you to go fast because there is very little _________.
  11. 18. What type of energy makes Christmas carols so entertaining?
  12. 19. I asked Santa to bring me a telescope with a high powered ________.
  1. 1. On cold winter days, it's best to wear an ___________ such as a jacket.
  2. 2. Snow is what part of the water cycle?
  3. 5. Hot cocoa powder will ________ when added to water.
  4. 6. Bright and shiny Christmas wrapping paper will ____________ light.
  5. 7. My mom followed the recipe that grandma gave her to make her famous Christmas cookies. However, the did not taste very good because she forgot to add one ____________.
  6. 8. What state of matter will most of your Christmas presents be?
  7. 14. What state of matter is the smell of a burning log in a fireplace?
  8. 15. My grandma bought me a Christmas sweater with a very soft _________.