Winter Celebrations

  1. 6. Roman god of the unconquerable sun whose birthday was December 25
  2. 7. celebrates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth
  3. 10. Norse celebration that started December 21 and included decorating trees
  4. 11. feast honoring the children of Rome
  5. 12. gowns of a light material worn during Saturnalia
  6. 15. thought by Celts to keep evil spirits at bay
  7. 16. celebrates the visit to baby Jesus by the three wise men
  8. 17. Roman god of agriculture
  9. 18. paper hats worn during Saturnalia
  1. 1. born in Turkey around 280 AD
  2. 2. ancient Celtic priests
  3. 3. literally means "sun standing still"; the shortest day of the year
  4. 4. traditional drink made from mulled ale, curdled cream, roasted apples, eggs, spices and sugar
  5. 5. emperor of the Holy Roman Empire crowned December 25 800 AD
  6. 8. symbolized fertility to pre-Christians
  7. 9. Christmas was outlawed here 1659-81
  8. 13. King of the Norse gods
  9. 14. cancelled Christmas in England
  10. 17. 8-legged flying horse ridden by the pagan god Oden