Winter Celebrations

  1. 4. a hindu holiday occurring on october 27th
  2. 5. an irish celebration, known as the Wren Boys Procession
  3. 7. on december 13th,Swedish girls dress as "lucia brides"
  4. 8. from december16th or december26th, a mexican tradition where each night represents each night Joseph spent helping Mary to Bethlehem.
  5. 10. celebrated on december 26th, a time for post-holiday sales that became popular in 1871
  1. 1. well-known in European countries, celebrates St.Nicholas of Myra
  2. 2. from december 26th or janurary 1st, millions dress in special clothes and adorn their homes with fruits and veggies.
  3. 3. the shortest day of the year; celebrated by lighting bonfires and candles.
  4. 6. during this eight-day celebration, dreidels are played with.
  5. 9. a Ukrainian holiday meaning "holy supper"