Winter - clothes and sports

  1. 2. You put this on your head in winter.
  2. 4. This is lighter and shorter than a coat and you put it on your upper body.
  3. 5. We wear them on our feet. They are taller than shoes.
  4. 7. We need a snowboard, a slope and a ski resort for this sport.
  5. 9. We put this on after we put on a T-shirt. There is a well-known brand-značka on it usually.
  6. 10. We put it on our upper body and it is typically made from wool. Some people wear this clothing witch reindeer or gingerbread on Christmas.
  7. 11. When we ski, we have these on our feet.
  8. 12. When we ski, we wear them to protect our eyes.
  9. 13. This is another-jiný/další type of gloves.
  10. 16. You put them on in winter to keep your hands warm.
  11. 18. When we ski, we wear it to protect our heads.
  1. 1. We need to put on warm clothes, a sleigh and a hill for this winter activity.
  2. 3. We put them on our legs and it is similar to jeans.
  3. 6. This type of clothing is longer and warmer than a jacket.
  4. 7. We need skis, a slope and snow for this sport.
  5. 8. We need ice skates for this sport.
  6. 14. This winter sport is very popular mostly among boys. The Czech national team in this sport is one of the most successful-úspěšných teams in the world.
  7. 15. We put them on our feet. They can be made from wool-vlna or bamboo.
  8. 17. You put it on in winter around your neck.